At least five animals, including a giraffe and a white rhino, have been killed in a freak accident after an Eskom pylon collapsed in the Kruger National Park near Skukuza over the weekend. A heavy storm on January 25 caused the collapse and exposed a live wire, electrocuting the rhino. Rangers called in to fix […]

We all want to give our pets the best, and you too can go from being a good parent to a great one with these tips. Routine Create a stress-free environment for your pets by removing uncertainty from their lives. Feed them at the same time every day, greet them the same way, exercise and […]

More and more animals are being poisoned with illegally obtained poisons in South Africa, says the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA). The NSPCA says poisoning is arguably the most cruel and inhumane way to kill an animal. Aldicarb (also known as two-step or Temik) is the most common poison used […]

Just because your beloved dog is balanced, happy and healthy doesn’t mean he or she is obedient. Luckily, with a few basic tricks, you can manage certain unfavourable behaviours that you’re experiencing or that can creep in later. You could go to classes, or try these yourself and build a stronger connection with your pup. […]

The love and devotion of man’s best friend may be beyond price, but breeding healthy pedigree puppies is most definitely a costly business. Here is a list of what could be the five most expensive puppy breeds on offer in South Africa today. French Bulldog Be prepared to spend anywhere from R20 000 to R70 000. It […]

Adopting a puppy can be exciting, especially in the spirit of the Christmas holidays! You are welcoming a little companion into your home, but before you enter this new chapter in your life, there are certain things you need to think about first. It’s a bit of an onslaught of things, actually; a little like […]

If you’re thinking about adopting a new canine fur baby, you might be daydreaming about all the ways in which puppies are just too unbearably cute. When many people think about getting a new dog, a puppy is often the first thing they think about. But, before you head on down to your local animal shelter […]

Here are six tips for keeping your entire family — creatures and all — healthy and happy. Of course it starts with preventative care; don’t wait till your pet is sick to see the vet. Instead, stick to a regular schedule of wellness exams. Sharing your bed With dogs on the bed, and cats who sleep […]

There are a lot of really outrageous — and just plain wrong — myths about these breeds’ physical make-up. From claims that they come equipped with super powerful jaws that lock like a crocodile’s to theories that they have swelling brains that make them go crazy, it’s no wonder bully breeds have a somewhat spotty […]