Vet Cuts Open Live Puppies To Turn Them Into Drug Mules

Seven puppies finally escaped his twisted clutches — and one of them is now a drug-sniffing dog looking for traffickers like the one who abused her.
In 2004, a Colombian veterinarian started smuggling liquid heroin into the US using canine drug mules. Drug mules with no choice in the matter; that were sliced open, sewn up and had the procedure reversed on arrival, and that often stood little chance of surviving the drugs’ removal.
Between 2004 and 2005, an unknown number of puppies and dogs were flown into the US with heroin stitched into their bellies. Most of them died in the retrieval process. The operation was uncovered in a raid on the plot of land the vet owned specifically for this inhumane purpose.
He fled to Spain, was extradited to the US in 2015, and could now, thankfully, face life in prison.
There is even better news at the end of this story, however. Seven puppies finally escaped his twisted clutches — and one of them is now a drug-sniffing dog looking for traffickers like the one who abused her.
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