Do Cats And Dogs Understand Us When We Meaow Or Bark?

Probably not. The way our pets communicate is a lot more complicated. But there are things we can take note of to better understand and speak to them.
Quixi Sonntag is a lecturer in animal behaviour and wellbeing at the University of Pretoria. She notes that we’d have to be very good at mimicking animal sounds for us to be understood by our pets. Not only that, but we’d also need to know what they use those sounds for.
On the other hand, some dogs can ‘learn’ words relatively easily. A border collie named Rico learned over 200 words, probably by being very good at associating sounds with objects.
And, remember, much of our pets’ communication is non-vocal. Body language is a big part of how they ‘speak’ to us, and how they make their feelings known to us.
To find out more, click the link below for the whole article.
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