Long-Haired Dogs – Gorgeous Hairy Breeds And How To Care For Them

Long-Haired Dogs – Gorgeous Hairy Breeds And How To Care For Them

Long haired dogs are undoubtedly beautiful to behold. But all of that canine handsomeness comes at a price: the time, and possible expense, required to maintain those gorgeous locks and flowing tresses.

With all long-haired breeds, you will be faced with some common grooming issues.

Sitting for lengthy grooming sessions:

  • Get your pup used to being handled early, and often
  • Grooming will become a terrific bonding experience for both of you

Going too long between grooming sessions:

  • This can cause tangling and matting of the hair
  • Detangling seriously tangled hair can pull on and damage your dog’s skin
  • Moisture can get trapped beneath the hair, allowing infection to set in

Some of the better-known long-haired breeds are:

  • Afghan Hound
  • Bearded Collie
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Komondor
  • Yorkshire Terrier

Discover more about these breeds and how to care for them by clicking the link below.

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