More and more animals are being poisoned with illegally obtained poisons in South Africa, says the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA). The NSPCA says poisoning is arguably the most cruel and inhumane way to kill an animal. Aldicarb (also known as two-step or Temik) is the most common poison used […]

The state of your dog’s skin and coat can give you a good idea of his or her general health. In terms of skin, supple and clear skin is healthy, while greasy, flaky and bumpy skin is worrisome. When it comes to the coat, a smooth and shiny coat is ideal, but a coarse, brittle […]

If a dog has a particular kind of disease, how would you as the pet owner respond to this situation? The average lifespan of dogs in today’s generation is between 10 to 15 years. It would be shorter for small breeds, while large breeds could last a long time. Their life depends on how you […]

Most people, at some point in time, struggle to shed some extra weight. Obesity in humans has reached epidemic proportions and in a study released two years ago, South Africans were classified as the third fattest people on earth. Worse than this, is the fact that obesity in pets is following this trend and fast […]

When days grow hot, many of us are only too grateful for cool, air-conditioned offices. But back home, our pets might not be as happy. Animals in the wild have learnt to adapt to the seasons but our companion animals rely heavily on us to ensure their day is as comfortable as ours. Naturally, our […]

Many dog lovers decide to get puppies without realizing how much work they can truly be. A major component to puppy life involves chewing and teething. It can take a full eight months before puppies finish teething and learn that chewing on certain items is not appropriate. From their first teeth to their last, puppies […]

Dogs are mammals like humans, and they have a heart, lungs, and all the things you need to survive. Our pet dogs give us so much happiness, but then so much sadness when they die. So why don’t they survive as long as us? We’re mammals. Elephants and whales are mammals. Dogs are mammals. So […]

A gift from her son in 2011 when he went to serve in the American Air Force, Sierra proved herself a miracle to Stephanie Herfel not once, but three times. In 2013, Sierra sniffed Stephanie’s lower belly three times, intently, and then hid herself away. Combined with pain she’d been feeling in the area, Sierra’s […]

Kick the cat to the curb, and your man back to his cave. Women sleep better when they sleep in canine company, and now there’s the scientific proof to back it up. Of course, not everyone’s a dog person. But if you are, it looks like a doggie duvet might just be your best bet. […]