It will come as a surprise to many dog lovers that German Shepherds have difficulty sleeping. They can get insomnia so bad they can keep you awake for days and days. They can easily outlast your ability to stay awake. So what can you do to change this situation and help your German Shepherd to […]

A big part of a dog’s general wellbeing is their health. Unfortunately some breeds are more likely to suffer from certain conditions than others. These breeds are: Bulldogs, Beagles, Boxers. They’re not the only ones, however. Listed below are some health conditions you should be aware of before choosing to adopt a particular breed of […]

Taking your elderly dog to the vet for an annual check-up can sometimes feel like a waste of time and a big inconvenience to the pet involved. The stress involved and the difficulty of transporting a big elderly dog, which is not so mobile anymore, may make you wonder if it is really necessary. The […]

Everybody wants value for money. No one will deny that it is no different when taking your pets to the vet. Most of us have to budget, and make sure we derive as much value out of a visit to the vet as possible. Here are a few way to maximise that value. Be courteous […]

Xylitol is a natural sugar alcohol that is commonly used as a sugar substitute in human foods. It is found in and extracted from corn fibre, birch trees, hardwood trees as well as other fruits and vegetables. Xylitol is often used as a sugar substitute. It has grown drastically in popularity over the last decade […]

Whenever you hear the word ‘rabies’ you should pay attention. With the holidays coming up, if you’re taking your pets away with you, it’s always a good idea to check with your vet about the possibility of rabies at your destination. The main reason for this, is rabies is both easily preventable – by a […]

Living in a warm and sunny country is great, but with it comes all the parasites and diseases associated with a warm and/or tropical climate. One of these little scourges can be found nearly all over South Africa, namely ticks. There are two tick-borne diseases to be aware of; biliary and ehrlichia. Biliary The Yellow […]

While it’s true that every animal needs water to survive, there are some animals, like the koala, sand cat, and kangaroo rat, that can go their entire lives without drinking a drop of the stuff because they get all their hydration from their food. Dogs, on the other hand, are not one of these creatures. […]

Finding a lump or a bump in your pet which you have never noticed before, can cause serious worry for pet owners. There are all sorts of growths that can occur on or under your pet’s skin. Each of these is worthy of examination by your veterinarian. When visiting your vet, after you’ve noticed a […]