It’s perfectly natural and normal for dogs to occasionally chew on their legs, feet, ears, and tails. This behavior is no different than when you scratch an itch — it provides relief. However, if you notice that your dog is constantly chewing himself, it may indicate a deeper problem — particularly if the chewed area […]

We do want to remind all dog owners that owning a dog comes with great responsibility. We encourage power breed owners to guard against aggression. — Belinda Abrahams, Cape of Good Hope SPCA spokesperson First, don’t support backyard breeders and second, don’t accept a puppy unless you fully understand the nature of the parents. The reason […]

how do you design something when the end user can’t give you feedback other than incessant tail wagging? And don’t dogs get just as much enjoyment out of an old stick as the latest and greatest chew toy? In the US, there’s been a decline in births over the past 10 years and a steady […]

I think that most responsible people can agree with a law that makes it a crime for an owner to allow any dog “to be dangerously out of control.” However the law in the UK took an action which many dog owners and dog organizations find offensive — namely the banning of specific breeds of […]

Your special friend – the one you always do fun things with – is ignoring you and has suddenly started giving all her attention to a very small creature that makes strange noises and has no fur. This could well be your cat or dog’s feelings when you come home from the hospital with your brand […]

The “Dogpper” (that’s a spin on the words “dog” and “Whopper,” just in case that wasn’t clear) is a flame-grilled, Whopper-flavored biscuit bone that’s made just for dogs. Big, sad, begging, puppy-dog eyes; we can all agree they’re almost impossible to resist. Especially when chowing down on your favourite delivery from Burger King – like […]

We’ve all had moments where we wished we had more time to do the things we want to do. There already are questions over full-time employees’ ability to properly care for pets. These questions make sense when you consider the fact that some pets need constant supervision. More importantly, they need friendly company to feel […]

Do you work full-time? Are you thinking of getting a puppy? Perhaps you’re not sure how to find a balance between work and raising a healthy puppy? If these questions have kept you from getting your own small fur bundle of joy, then cheer up. Lots of puppy parents have successfully raised a healthy puppy. […]